ai2_kit.algorithm.aos_analysis module#

ai2_kit.algorithm.aos_analysis.count_shared_polyhedra(input_traj: str, out_dir: str, center: str, ligand: str, cell: list[float], cutoff: float, coord_num: int = -1)[source]#

Count the number of shared polyhedra in each frame of the trajectory.

  • input_traj – path of input trajectory file

  • out_dir – path of output directory

  • center – central atoms, in the format of MDA atom selection string, e.g. ‘name In’

  • ligand – atoms that surround the central atoms, in the format of MDA atom selection string, e.g. ‘name O’

  • cell – cell dimensions

  • cutoff – cutoff distance

  • coord_num – coordination number

ai2_kit.algorithm.aos_analysis.ecn_analysis(input_traj: str, out_dir: str, center: str, ligand: str, cell: list[float])[source]#

Calculate ECN (effective coordination number) and l_av (average bond length).

  • input_traj – path of input trajectory file

  • out_dir – path of output directory

  • center – central atoms, in the format of MDA atom selection string, e.g. ‘name In’

  • ligand – atoms that surround the central atoms, in the format of MDA atom selection string, e.g. ‘name O’

  • cell – cell dimensions