Source code for ai2_kit.algorithm.reweighting

from typing import Optional, Dict
from collections import namedtuple

from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import numpy as np
import json

from ai2_kit.core.util import expand_globs, ensure_dir
from ai2_kit.core.log import get_logger
from ai2_kit.lib import plumed

logger = get_logger(__name__)

default_kB = 0.0083144621  # Boltzmann constant in kJ/mol/K
default_ev_to_kjmol = 96.4853365  # conversion factor from eV to kJ/mol

_FesResult = namedtuple('FesResult', ['fes', 'grid', 'extend'])

[docs] def compute_fes(cvs: np.ndarray, bias: np.ndarray, temp: float, grid=None, w=1, kB=default_kB, grid_size=100j): """ Compute free energy surface from biased sampling data using Gaussian KDE Support 1D and 2D collective variables :param cv: collective variable :param bias: bias potential :param temp: temperature :param grid: grid points, if None, will use grid_size to generate automatically :param w: weights :param kB: Boltzmann constant :param grid_size: grid size in np.mgrid style :return: free energy """ if cvs.ndim == 2: if cvs.shape[0] == 1: cvs = cvs[0] # flatten elif cvs.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError(f'Invalid cvs shape {cvs.shape}, only support 1D or 2D cvs') elif cvs.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f'Invalid cvs shape {cvs.shape}, only support 1D or 2D cvs') kBT = kB * temp beta = 1 / kBT weights = w * np.exp(beta * bias) kde = gaussian_kde(cvs, weights=weights) extend = None if cvs.ndim == 1: # handle 1d if grid is None: x_min, x_max = cvs.min(), cvs.max() grid = np.mgrid[x_min:x_max:grid_size] extend = [x_min, x_max] pdf = kde.evaluate(grid) else: # handle 2d if grid is None: x_min, x_max = cvs[0].min(), cvs[0].max() y_min, y_max = cvs[1].min(), cvs[1].max() grid = np.mgrid[x_min:x_max:grid_size, y_min:y_max:grid_size] extend = [x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max] X, Y = grid pos = np.vstack([X.ravel(), Y.ravel()]) # TODO: generated by copilot, I am not sure if it is correct pdf = kde.evaluate(pos).T.reshape(X.shape) fes = -kBT * np.log(pdf) # return fes with grid and extend for plotting return _FesResult(fes=fes, grid=grid, extend=extend)
[docs] def compute_kde_weight(baseline_energy: np.ndarray, target_energy: np.ndarray, temp: float, kB=default_kB, ev_to_kjmol=default_ev_to_kjmol,): """ Compute KDE weights for reweighting :param baseline_energy: baseline energy in eV, it's the output of DeepMD evaluation :param target_energy: target energy in eV, it's the output of DeepMD evaluation """ kBT = kB * temp beta = 1 / kBT # use relative energy and convert from eV to kJ/mol be = (baseline_energy- np.min(baseline_energy)) * ev_to_kjmol te = (target_energy- np.min(target_energy)) * ev_to_kjmol return np.exp( -beta * (te - be))
[docs] def load_dp_energy(*path_or_glob: str): """ load dpdata energy data from npy files :param path_or_glob: path or glob pattern to locate data path, for example dpdata/**/energy.npy """ files = expand_globs(*path_or_glob, raise_invalid=True) energies = [] for file in files: energy = np.load(file) energies.append(energy) return np.concatenate(energies)
[docs] class ReweightingTool: def __init__(self): Dict[str, np.ndarray] = {} self.colvar_df = None
[docs] def load_energy(self, *path_or_glob: str, tag: str): """ read baseline data as dpdata.LabeledSystem :param path_or_glob: path or glob pattern to locate data path :param tag: a string tag to distinguish data, it is suggested to use `baseline` and `target` """ energy = load_dp_energy(path_or_glob) if tag in[tag] = np.concatenate([[tag], energy]) else:[tag] = energy return self
[docs] def load_colvar(self, *path_or_glob: str): """ load PLUMED COLVAR files and concatenate into a single DataFrame you have to ensure the COLVAR data is aligned with energies :param path_or_glob: path or glob pattern to locate data path """ paths = expand_globs(path_or_glob) self.colvar_df = plumed.load_colvar_from_files(*paths) return self
[docs] def reweighting(self, cv: str, bias: str, temp: float, grid_size=0.01, save_fig_to: Optional[str]=None, save_json_to: Optional[str]=None, baseline_tag='baseline', target_tag='target'): """ run reweighting against loaded data :param cv: name of collective variable columns, for example d1 :param bias: name of bias column, for example opes.bias :param temp: temperature :param save_to: save th """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cvs_df, bias_df = plumed.get_cvs_bias_from_df(self.colvar_df, [cv], bias)'cvs shape: {cvs_df.shape}, bias shape: {bias_df.shape}') # compute baseline fes baseline_fes = compute_fes(cvs_df, bias_df, temp=temp, grid_size=grid_size) grid = baseline_fes.grid # compute weight baseline_e =[baseline_tag].reshape((-1, 1)) target_e =[target_tag].reshape((-1, 1))'baseline energy shape: {baseline_e.shape}, target energy shape: {target_e.shape}') w = compute_kde_weight(baseline_e, target_e, temp=temp) w = w.reshape((-1,)) # compute target fes target_fes = compute_fes(cvs_df, bias_df, temp=temp, grid=grid, w=w) # use matplot to draw baseline and target 1D FES on the image plt.plot(grid, baseline_fes.fes, label='Baseline FES') plt.plot(grid, target_fes.fes, label='Target FES') plt.xlabel('CV') plt.ylabel('Free Energy/$kJ\cdot mol^{-1}$') plt.legend() fig = plt.gcf() if save_json_to is not None: data = { 'baseline_fes': baseline_fes.fes.tolist(), 'target_fes': target_fes.fes.tolist(), 'weight': w.tolist(), 'grid': grid.tolist(), 'extend': baseline_fes.extend, } with open(save_json_to, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f) if save_fig_to is None: fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() else: ensure_dir(save_fig_to) fig.savefig(save_fig_to, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')