Source code for ai2_kit.domain.anyware

from ai2_kit.core.script import BashTemplate, BashStep, BashScript
from ai2_kit.core.artifact import Artifact
from ai2_kit.core.job import gather_jobs
from ai2_kit.core.util import list_split, dump_text
from ai2_kit.core.pydantic import BaseModel
from ai2_kit.core.connector import get_ln_cmd

from typing import List, Optional, Mapping, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
from string import Template

import os
import itertools
import random

from .data import artifacts_to_ase_atoms_v2, DataFormat
from .iface import BaseCllContext, ICllExploreOutput
from .cp2k import dump_coord_n_cell
from .lammps import _get_dp_models_variables

[docs] class AnywareContextConfig(BaseModel): script_template: BashTemplate concurrency: int = 5
[docs] class AnywareConfig(BaseModel): system_files: List[str] """ Artifact keys to the system """ template_files: Mapping[str, str] """ Templates files that will generate for each explore tasks, You can use $$VAR_NAME to reference the variables defined in product_vars and broadcast_vars. Besides, the following build-in variables are also available: - SYSTEM_FILE: the path of the system file - DP_MODELS: the path of the deep potential models, in the format of '1.pb 2.pb 3.pb 4.pb' You can use literal string to define the template file, or use !load_text to load the content from a file. For example, if you define a template file named 'cp2k.inp' with the following content: cp2k-warmup.inp: | &GLOBAL ... &END GLOBAL cp2k.inp: !load_text cp2k.inp """ product_vars: Mapping[str, List[str]] = {} """ Define template variables by Cartesian product The variable can be referenced in the template file with the following format: If there are too many variables, it will generate a large number of tasks, in this case, you can use broadcast_vars to reduce the number of tasks. $$VAR_NAME """ broadcast_vars: Mapping[str, List[str]] = {} """ Define template variables by broadcast (broadcast as in numpy). It's the same as product_vars, except that it will broadcast the variable to all other variables. """ system_file_name: str """ The name of the system file you want to generate, for example, '', '', etc """ system_file_format: str """ The format of the system file you want to generate, for example, `lammps-data`, `cp2k-inc`, etc For all supported data, you can refer to Custom formats: - cp2k-inc: coord & cell in the format of CP2K include file, can be used in CP2K input file via `@include` """ submit_script: str """ A bash script that will be executed in each task directory to submit the task. For example, mpirun cp2k.popt -i cp2k.inp &> cp2k.out """ post_process_fn: Optional[str] = None """ A python function that will be executed after the task is finished. You may use this function to post-process the results. The function must named as `post_process_fn` and accept a list of task directories as input. The below is an example of merging multiple file into one by keeping only the last line of each file. post_process_fn: | def post_process_fn(task_dirs): import glob for task_dir in task_dirs: files = glob.glob(os.path.join(task_dir, '*.out')) # file to merge with open(os.path.join(task_dir, 'merged.out'), 'w') as fp: for file in files: with open(file, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() if len(lines) > 0: fp.write(lines[-1]) """ delimiter: str = '$$' """ delimiter for template """ shuffle: bool = False """ shuffle the combination of system_files, product_vars and broadcast_vars """
[docs] @dataclass class AnywareInput: config: AnywareConfig new_system_files: List[Artifact] dp_models: Mapping[str, List[Artifact]] type_map: List[str] mass_map: List[float]
[docs] @dataclass class AnywareContext(BaseCllContext): config: AnywareContextConfig
[docs] @dataclass class AnywareOutput(ICllExploreOutput): output_dirs: List[Artifact]
[docs] def get_model_devi_dataset(self) -> List[Artifact]: return self.output_dirs
[docs] async def anyware(input: AnywareInput, ctx: AnywareContext) -> AnywareOutput: executor = ctx.resource_manager.default_executor work_dir = os.path.join(executor.work_dir, ctx.path_prefix) if len(input.new_system_files) > 0: data_files = input.new_system_files else: data_files = ctx.resource_manager.resolve_artifacts(input.config.system_files) assert len(data_files) > 0, 'no data files found' task_artifacts = executor.run_python_fn(make_anyware_task_dirs)( work_dir=work_dir, data_files=data_files, dp_models={k: [m.url for m in v] for k, v in input.dp_models.items()}, type_map=input.type_map, mass_map=input.mass_map, product_vars=input.config.product_vars, broadcast_vars=input.config.broadcast_vars, template_files=input.config.template_files, template_delimiter=input.config.delimiter, system_file_name=input.config.system_file_name, system_file_format=input.config.system_file_format, shuffle=input.config.shuffle, ) steps = [] for task_artifact in task_artifacts: steps.append(BashStep( cwd=task_artifact.url, cmd=input.config.submit_script, checkpoint='submit') ) # # submit jobs by the number of concurrency jobs = [] for i, steps_group in enumerate(list_split(steps, ctx.config.concurrency)): if not steps_group: continue script = BashScript( template=ctx.config.script_template, steps=steps_group, ) job = executor.submit(script.render(), cwd=work_dir) jobs.append(job) await gather_jobs(jobs, max_tries=2) if input.config.post_process_fn: executor.run_python_fn(run_post_process_fn)( post_process_fn=input.config.post_process_fn, task_dirs=[task.url for task in task_artifacts] ) return AnywareOutput(output_dirs=task_artifacts)
[docs] def run_post_process_fn(post_process_fn: str, task_dirs: List[str]): _locals = {} exec(post_process_fn, None, _locals) _locals['post_process_fn'](task_dirs)
[docs] def make_anyware_task_dirs(work_dir: str, data_files: List[Artifact], dp_models: Mapping[str, List[str]], type_map: List[str], mass_map: List[float], product_vars: Mapping[str, List[str]], broadcast_vars: Mapping[str, List[str]], template_files: Mapping[str, str], template_delimiter: str, system_file_name: str, system_file_format: str, shuffle: bool, ): class _Template(Template): delimiter = template_delimiter # handle data files systems_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'systems') os.makedirs(systems_dir, exist_ok=True) atoms_list = [] atoms_list = artifacts_to_ase_atoms_v2(data_files) system_artifacts = [] for i, (artifact, atoms) in enumerate(atoms_list): ancestor = artifact.attrs['ancestor'] data_file = os.path.join(systems_dir, f'{ancestor}-{i:06d}-{system_file_name}') if system_file_format == 'cp2k-inc': with open(data_file, 'w') as fp: dump_coord_n_cell(fp, atoms) elif system_file_format == 'lammps-data':, atoms, format=system_file_format, specorder=type_map) # type: ignore else:, atoms, format=system_file_format) # type: ignore system_artifacts.append(Artifact(url=data_file, attrs=artifact.attrs)) if shuffle: random.shuffle(system_artifacts) # handle task dirs combination_fields: List[str] = ['SYSTEM_FILE'] combination_values: List[List[Any]] = [system_artifacts] for k, v in product_vars.items(): combination_fields.append(k) if shuffle: random.shuffle(v) combination_values.append(v) combinations = itertools.product(*combination_values) combinations = list(map(list, combinations)) combination_fields.extend(broadcast_vars.keys()) for i, combination in enumerate(combinations): for _vars in broadcast_vars.values(): combination.append(_vars[i % len(_vars)]) task_artifacts = [] tasks_base_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'tasks') for i, combination in enumerate(combinations): task_dir = os.path.join(tasks_base_dir, f'{i:06d}') os.makedirs(task_dir, exist_ok=True) template_vars = dict(zip(combination_fields, combination)) # link system_file to task_dir system_artifact: Artifact = template_vars.pop('SYSTEM_FILE') system_file = os.path.join(task_dir, system_file_name) # the reason of not using os.symlink is that it will raise an error if the link already exists os.system(get_ln_cmd(system_artifact.url, system_file)) template_vars['SYSTEM_FILE'] = system_file_name # dp models variables dp_vars = _get_dp_models_variables(dp_models) # generate template files for k, v in template_files.items(): template_file_path = os.path.join(task_dir, k) dump_text(_Template(v).substitute(**template_vars, **dp_vars), template_file_path, encoding='utf-8') task_artifacts.append(Artifact(url=task_dir, attrs={**system_artifact.attrs, 'source': system_artifact.url}, format=DataFormat.ANYWARE_OUTPUT_DIR)) return task_artifacts