Source code for ai2_kit.domain.cp2k

from ai2_kit.core.artifact import Artifact, ArtifactDict
from ai2_kit.core.script import BashScript, BashStep, BashTemplate
from ai2_kit.core.job import gather_jobs
from ai2_kit.core.util import dict_nested_get, list_split, list_sample, dump_json, dump_text
from ai2_kit.core.log import get_logger
from ai2_kit.core.pydantic import BaseModel

from typing import List, Tuple, Literal, Optional, Mapping, Any, Iterable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from ase import Atoms

from string import Template
import copy
import os

from .data import DataFormat, ase_atoms_to_cp2k_input_data, artifacts_to_ase_atoms
from .iface import ICllLabelOutput, BaseCllContext, TRAINING_MODE
from .util import cp2k_dump_input

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class CllCp2kInputConfig(BaseModel): init_system_files: List[str] = [] wfn_warmup_template: Optional[str] = None """ Warmup template for cp2k. Could be a dict or content of a cp2k input file. This template will be used to generate input files for warmup runs. The warmup runs can be used to generate wave function files for the main runs. """ input_template: Optional[str] = None """ Input template for cp2k. Could be a dict or content of a cp2k input file. """ template_vars: Mapping[str, Any] = dict() """ Template variables for input_template and wfn_warmup_template. Those vars can be referenced in the LAMMPS input template as $$VAR_NAME. """ limit: int = 50 """ Limit of the number of systems to be labeled. """ limit_method: Literal["even", "random", "truncate"] = "even" ignore_error: bool = False """ Ignore error when running cp2k. """
[docs] class CllCp2kContextConfig(BaseModel): script_template: BashTemplate cp2k_cmd: str = 'cp2k' post_cp2k_cmd: str = 'echo "no post_cp2k_cmd"' concurrency: int = 5
[docs] @dataclass class CllCp2kInput: config: CllCp2kInputConfig mode: TRAINING_MODE system_files: List[Artifact] type_map: List[str] initiated: bool = False # FIXME: this seems to be a bad design idea
[docs] @dataclass class CllCp2kContext(BaseCllContext): config: CllCp2kContextConfig
[docs] @dataclass class GenericCp2kOutput(ICllLabelOutput): cp2k_outputs: List[Artifact]
[docs] def get_labeled_system_dataset(self): return self.cp2k_outputs
[docs] async def cll_cp2k(input: CllCp2kInput, ctx: CllCp2kContext) -> GenericCp2kOutput: executor = ctx.resource_manager.default_executor # For the first round # FIXME: move out from this function, this should be done in the workflow if not input.initiated: input.system_files += ctx.resource_manager.resolve_artifacts(input.config.init_system_files) if len(input.system_files) == 0: return GenericCp2kOutput(cp2k_outputs=[]) # setup workspace work_dir = os.path.join(executor.work_dir, ctx.path_prefix) [tasks_dir] = executor.setup_workspace(work_dir, ['tasks']) # create task dirs and prepare input files cp2k_task_dirs = executor.run_python_fn(make_cp2k_task_dirs)( system_files=[a.to_dict() for a in input.system_files], type_map=input.type_map, base_dir=tasks_dir, mode=input.mode, input_template=input.config.input_template, template_vars=input.config.template_vars, # initialize all data if not initiated limit=0 if not input.initiated else input.config.limit, limit_method=input.config.limit_method, wfn_warmup_template=input.config.wfn_warmup_template, ) # build commands steps = [] for cp2k_task_dir in cp2k_task_dirs: # run warmup if needed # note: use if-else instead of boolean shortcut to avoid wrong status cmd = '\n'.join([ f'if [ -f wfn_warmup.inp ]; then {ctx.config.cp2k_cmd} -i wfn_warmup.inp &> wfn_warmup.out || (rm *.wfn && false); fi && \\', f'{ctx.config.cp2k_cmd} -i input.inp &> output && {ctx.config.post_cp2k_cmd}', ]) steps.append(BashStep( cwd=cp2k_task_dir['url'], cmd=cmd, checkpoint='cp2k', exit_on_error=not input.config.ignore_error, )) # submit tasks and wait for completion jobs = [] for i, steps_group in enumerate(list_split(steps, ctx.config.concurrency)): if not steps_group: continue script = BashScript( template=ctx.config.script_template, steps=steps_group, ) job = executor.submit(script.render(), cwd=tasks_dir) jobs.append(job) jobs = await gather_jobs(jobs, max_tries=2) cp2k_outputs = [Artifact.of( url=a['url'], format=DataFormat.CP2K_OUTPUT_DIR,, attrs=a['attrs'], ) for a in cp2k_task_dirs] return GenericCp2kOutput(cp2k_outputs=cp2k_outputs)
[docs] class Cp2kInputTemplate(Template): delimiter = '$$'
[docs] def make_cp2k_task_dirs(system_files: List[ArtifactDict], type_map: List[str], input_template: Optional[str], template_vars: Mapping[str, Any], base_dir: str, mode: TRAINING_MODE, limit: int = 0, wfn_warmup_template: Optional[str] = None, limit_method: Literal["even", "random", "truncate"] = "even", input_file_name: str = 'input.inp', warmup_file_name: str = 'wfn_warmup.inp' ) -> List[ArtifactDict]: """Generate CP2K input files from LAMMPS dump files or XYZ files.""" task_dirs = [] atoms_list: List[Tuple[ArtifactDict, Atoms]] = artifacts_to_ase_atoms(system_files, type_map=type_map) if limit > 0: atoms_list = list_sample(atoms_list, limit, method=limit_method) for i, (data_file, atoms) in enumerate(atoms_list): # create task dir task_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, f'{str(i).zfill(6)}') os.makedirs(task_dir, exist_ok=True) dump_json(data_file, os.path.join(task_dir, '')) # load system-wise config from attrs overridable_params: dict = copy.deepcopy(dict_nested_get(data_file, ['attrs', 'cp2k'], dict())) # type: ignore # create input template warmup_input = overridable_params.get('wfn_warmup_template', wfn_warmup_template) normal_input = overridable_params.get('input_template', input_template) # be careful to override template_vars without changing the original dict template_vars = {**template_vars, **overridable_params.get('template_vars', dict())} # inject INTENSITY and POLARIZATION if efield is provided efield = data_file['attrs'].get('efield') # set by upstream task, lammps, for example if mode == 'dpff': assert efield is not None, 'efield is required for dpff mode' if efield: intensity, polarisation = lammps_efield_to_cp2k(efield) # type: ignore template_vars['INTENSITY'] = '' template_vars['POLARISATION'] = '' if intensity != 0: template_vars['INTENSITY'] = f'INTENSITY {intensity}' template_vars['POLARISATION'] = f'POLARISATION {" ".join(map(str, polarisation))}' if warmup_input: warmup_input = Cp2kInputTemplate(warmup_input).substitute(template_vars) dump_text(warmup_input, os.path.join(task_dir, warmup_file_name)) assert normal_input, 'normal_input must be provided' normal_input = Cp2kInputTemplate(normal_input).substitute(template_vars) dump_text(normal_input, os.path.join(task_dir, input_file_name)) # create coord_n_cell.inp with open(os.path.join(task_dir, ''), 'w') as f: dump_coord_n_cell(f, atoms) task_dirs.append({ 'url': task_dir, 'attrs': data_file['attrs'], }) return task_dirs
[docs] def dump_coord_n_cell(fp, atoms: Atoms): coords, cell = ase_atoms_to_cp2k_input_data(atoms) cp2k_dump_input({ 'COORD': dict.fromkeys(coords, ''), # FIXME: this is a dirty hack, should make dump_cp2k_input support COORD # use fp32 precision, or 7 decimal places 'CELL': { 'A': ' '.join( f'{str(v)[:8]}' for v in cell[0]), 'B': ' '.join( f'{str(v)[:8]}' for v in cell[1]), 'C': ' '.join( f'{str(v)[:8]}' for v in cell[2]), } }, fp)
[docs] def lammps_efield_to_cp2k(efield: Iterable[float]): """ IN CP2K, the efield is defined as INTENSITY and POLARIZATION (direction of the electric field) :param efield: list of 3 floats, the electric field in lammps unit :return: intensity, polarization """ import numpy as np from scipy import constants efield = np.array(efield) factor = constants.physical_constants["atomic unit of electric field"][0] * constants.angstrom intensity = np.linalg.norm(efield) if intensity == 0: polarization = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) else: polarization = efield / np.linalg.norm(efield) return intensity / factor, polarization # type: ignore