Source code for ai2_kit.domain.dpff

from dpdata.unit import econvs
from typing import List

from ase.geometry.cell import cell_to_cellpar
from ase import Atoms
import numpy as np

import dpdata
import re

from .util import LammpsData
from ai2_kit.core.log import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] def set_dplr_ext_from_cp2k_output(dp_sys: dpdata.LabeledSystem, cp2k_output: str, wannier_file: str, type_map: List[str], sys_charge_map: List[int], model_charge_map: List[int], ewald_h: float, ewald_beta: float, ext_efield, sel_type: List[int], ): wannier_atoms = with open(cp2k_output, 'r') as fp: raw_energy = get_cp2k_output_total_energy(fp) ext_efield = np.reshape(ext_efield, [1, 3]) natoms = dp_sys.get_natoms() nframes = dp_sys.get_nframes() assert nframes == 1, 'Only support one frame' symbols = np.array(["atom_names"])[["atom_types"]] sel_ids = get_sel_ids(dp_sys, type_map, sel_type) atomic_dipole, extended_coords = get_atomic_dipole(dp_sys, sel_ids, wannier_atoms) # get extended charges extended_charges = np.zeros(len(extended_coords)) for symbol, ion_charge in zip(type_map, sys_charge_map): extended_charges[np.where(symbols == symbol)[0]] = ion_charge sel_symbols = symbols[sel_ids] for ii, wannier_charge in zip(sel_type, model_charge_map): sel_symbol = type_map[ii] extended_charges[np.where(sel_symbols == sel_symbol)[0] + natoms] = wannier_charge total_dipole = np.sum(extended_coords * extended_charges.reshape(-1, 1), axis=0) energy = raw_energy - np.inner(total_dipole, ext_efield.reshape(3))['energies'] = np.reshape(energy, [-1]) pbc_efield = get_pbc_atomic_efield(dp_sys, extended_coords, extended_charges, ewald_h, ewald_beta) # natoms * 3 _efield = pbc_efield + ext_efield aparam = np.linalg.norm(_efield, axis=-1) efield = np.array(_efield) / aparam.reshape(natoms, 1)['ext_efield'] = ext_efield.reshape(nframes, 3)['efield'] = efield.reshape(nframes, natoms, 3)['aparam'] = aparam.reshape(nframes, natoms, -1)['atomic_dipole'] = atomic_dipole.reshape(nframes, -1) return dp_sys
[docs] def get_cp2k_output_total_energy(fp): start_pattern = r" Total charge density g-space grids:" end_pattern = r" Total energy:" start_pattern = re.compile(start_pattern) end_pattern = re.compile(end_pattern) flag = False data_lines = [] nloop = 0 for line in fp: line = line.strip('\n') if start_pattern.match(line): flag = True elif flag and end_pattern.match(line): flag = False nloop += 1 if flag is True: data_lines.append(line) data_lines = np.reshape(data_lines, (nloop, -1)) tot_e = 0. # grep the data from the last iteration for kw in data_lines[-1, 2:-1]: kw = kw.split(":") k = kw[0].strip(' ') v = float(kw[1]) * econvs["hartree"] if k != "Fermi energy": tot_e += v return tot_e
[docs] def get_sel_ids(dp_sys, type_map, sel_type): symbols = np.array(["atom_names"])[["atom_types"]] sel_ids = [np.where(symbols == type_map[ii])[0] for ii in sel_type] return np.concatenate(sel_ids)
[docs] def get_atomic_dipole(dp_sys, sel_ids, wannier_atoms, wannier_cutoff = 1.0): from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import distance_array, minimize_vectors coords =['coords'].reshape(-1, 3) cellpar = cell_to_cellpar(['cells'].reshape(3, 3)) extended_coords = coords.copy() ref_coords = coords[sel_ids].reshape(-1, 3) e_coords = wannier_atoms.get_positions() dist_mat = distance_array(ref_coords, e_coords, box=cellpar) atomic_dipole = [] for ii, dist_vec in enumerate(dist_mat): mask = (dist_vec < wannier_cutoff) cn = np.sum(mask) if cn != 4: raise ValueError(f'wannier atoms {ii} has {cn} atoms in the cutoff range') wc_coord_rel = e_coords[mask] - ref_coords[ii] wc_coord_rel = minimize_vectors(wc_coord_rel, box=cellpar) _atomic_dipole = wc_coord_rel.mean(axis=0) atomic_dipole.append(_atomic_dipole) wc_coord = _atomic_dipole + ref_coords[ii] extended_coords = np.concatenate((extended_coords, wc_coord.reshape(1, 3)), axis=0) atomic_dipole = np.reshape(atomic_dipole, (-1, 3)) assert atomic_dipole.shape[0] == len(sel_ids) return atomic_dipole, extended_coords
[docs] def get_pbc_atomic_efield(dp_sys, extended_coords, extended_charges, ewald_h, ewald_beta, ): from deepmd.infer.ewald_recp import EwaldRecp er = EwaldRecp(ewald_h, ewald_beta) natoms = dp_sys.get_natoms() cell =['cells'] e, f, v = er.eval(extended_coords.reshape(1, -1), extended_charges.reshape(1, -1), cell.reshape(1, -1)) extended_efield = f.reshape(-1, 3) / extended_charges.reshape(-1, 1) # natoms * 3 pbc_efield = extended_efield[:natoms] return pbc_efield
[docs] def get_sel_type(model_path) -> List[int]: try: from deepmd.infer import DeepDipole except ImportError: raise ImportError('deepmd-kit is not installed') dp = DeepDipole(model_path) return [t for t in dp.tselt]
[docs] def build_sel_type_assertion(sel_type, model_path: str, py_cmd='python'): return f'''{py_cmd} -c "from deepmd.infer import DeepDipole;dp = DeepDipole({repr(model_path)});assert{repr(sel_type)}==[t for t in dp.tselt]"'''
[docs] def dump_dplr_lammps_data(fp, atoms: Atoms, type_map: List[str], sel_type: List[int], sys_charge_map: List[float], model_charge_map: List[float]): """ dump atoms to LAMMPS data file for DPLR the naming convention of params follows Deepmd-Kit's about dplr: about fitting tensor: :param fp: file pointer :param type_map: the type map of atom type, for example, [O,H] :param sel_type: the selected type of atom, for example, [0] means atom type 0, aka O is selected :param sys_charge_map: the charge map of atom in system, for example, [6, 1] :param model_charge_map: the charge map of atom in model, for example, [-8] """ if len(type_map) != len(sys_charge_map): raise ValueError(f'type_map {type_map} and sys_charge_map {sys_charge_map} must have the same length') if len(sel_type) != len(model_charge_map): raise ValueError(f'sel_type {sel_type} and model_charge_map {model_charge_map} must have the same length') new_atoms = atoms.copy() vtypes = get_unused_symbols(type_map, len(sel_type)) r_atom_ids = [] v_atom_ids = [] # add virtual atoms for atype, vtype in zip(sel_type, vtypes): # create virtual atoms from the original atom type v_atoms = atoms[atoms.symbols == type_map[atype]] v_atoms.set_chemical_symbols([vtype] * len(v_atoms)) # type: ignore # create bonds between atom and its virtual atoms r_atom_ids.extend(np.where(atoms.symbols == type_map[atype])[0]) v_atom_ids.extend(np.arange(len(v_atoms)) + len(new_atoms)) # type: ignore # this should be last new_atoms += v_atoms # build charges charges = np.zeros(len(new_atoms)) for atype, charge in zip(type_map + vtypes, sys_charge_map + model_charge_map): charges[new_atoms.symbols==atype] = charge # build bonds n_bonds = len(r_atom_ids) # note: the index of lammps start from 1 bonds = np.array([ np.arange(n_bonds) + 1, # bond id [1] * n_bonds, # bond type np.array(r_atom_ids) + 1, # bond left np.array(v_atom_ids) + 1, # bond right ], dtype=int).T # write lammps data lmp_data = LammpsData(new_atoms) lmp_data.charges = charges lmp_data.bonds = bonds lmp_data.write(fp, atom_style='full', specorder=type_map + vtypes)
[docs] def get_unused_symbols(used_symbols: List[str], size: int): """ Get unused symbols from ase :param used_symbols: symbols that are already used :param size: number of unused symbols to get """ from import chemical_symbols unused_symbols = [] for symbol in reversed(chemical_symbols): if symbol not in used_symbols: unused_symbols.append(symbol) if len(unused_symbols) == size: break return unused_symbols