Source code for ai2_kit.domain.lammps

from ai2_kit.core.script import BashTemplate, BashStep, BashScript, make_gpu_parallel_steps
from ai2_kit.core.artifact import Artifact, ArtifactDict
from ai2_kit.core.log import get_logger
from ai2_kit.core.job import gather_jobs
from ai2_kit.core.util import list_split, dict_nested_get, dump_json, dump_text
from ai2_kit.core.pydantic import BaseModel

from typing import List, Literal, Optional, Mapping, Sequence, Any
from pydantic import field_validator, model_validator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from string import Template
from allpairspy import AllPairs
from collections import defaultdict

import os
import itertools
import random

from .iface import BaseCllContext, ICllExploreOutput, TRAINING_MODE
from .constant import (
from .data import DataFormat, artifacts_to_ase_atoms
from .dpff import dump_dplr_lammps_data

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class FepOptions(BaseModel): ini_ghost_types: List[str] = [] fin_ghost_types: List[str] = []
[docs] class CllLammpsInputConfig(BaseModel): n_wise: int = 0 """ The way of combining variants. if n_wise is less than 2 or greater than total fields, the full combination will be used. Or else, the n_wise combination will be used. It is strongly recommended to use n_wise when the full combination is too large. """ explore_vars: Mapping[str, List[Any]] """ Variants to be explore by full combination or n_wise combination. Variables defined here will become **LAMMPS variables**. If multiple value has been set for a variable, the cartesian product will be used to generate the combination. For example, ```yaml TEMP: [330, 430, 530] # Can be a scalar, e.g. 330 PRES: 1 # Can be a vector, e.g. [1, 2, 3] ``` Then you can reference them in the LAMMPS input template as ${TEMP}, ${LAMBDA_f}, ${N_STEPS}, etc. """ broadcast_vars: Mapping[str, Any] = dict() """ Variants to be explore by broadcast. Variables defined here won't join the combination, but will be broadcasted to all combinations. This can be used to avoid combination explosion. ```yaml LAMBDA_f: [0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0] ``` """ preset_template: Optional[str] = None """ Name of the preset template. """ input_template: Optional[str] = None """ LAMMPS input template file content. If set, the preset_template will be ignored. """ template_vars: Mapping[str, Any] = dict() """ input_template may provide extra injection points for user to inject custom settings. Those value could be set here. Those vars can be referenced in the LAMMPS input template as $$VAR_NAME. """ plumed_config: Optional[str] = None """Plumed config file content.""" system_files: List[str] """ Artifacts key of lammps input data """ ensemble: Optional[Literal['nvt', 'npt', 'npt-i', 'npt-a', 'npt-iso', 'npt-aniso', 'npt-t', 'npt-tri', 'npt-x', 'npt-y', 'npt-z', 'nve', 'csvr']] = None fix_statement: Optional[str] = None no_pbc: bool = False nsteps: int timestep: float = 0.0005 sample_freq: int = 100 ignore_error: bool = False type_alias: Mapping[str, List[str]] = dict() ''' Type alias for atoms. For example, if you want to distinguish ghost H and H of HF molecule from other H atoms, you can define the alias as follows: ```yaml type_alias: H: [ H_ghost, H_hf ] ``` And then you can reference them in the LAMMPS input template, for example ``` set atom 1 type ${H_hf} set atom 2 type ${H_ghost} ``` ''' custom_ff: Optional[str] = None ''' Allow user to set custom force field. If set, the custom force field will be used instead of the default one. The use can use $$DP_MODELS to reference the deepmd models, and $$SPECORDER to reference the atom type order. For example: pair_style hybrid/overlay & deepmd $$DP_MODELS out_freq ${THERMO_FREQ} out_file model_devi.out $$FEP_DP_OPT & buck/coul/long 10.0 10.0 pair_coeff * * deepmd 1 $$SPECORDER pair_coeff * * buck/coul/long 10.0 10.0 ''' fep_opts: FepOptions = FepOptions()
[docs] @field_validator('explore_vars', mode='before') @classmethod def validate_explore_variants(cls, value): if not isinstance(value, dict): raise ValueError('explore_vars must be a dict') # override default values value = { 'TAU_T': 0.1, 'TAU_P': 0.5, 'TIME_CONST': 0.1, **value, } result = {} for k, v in value.items(): if not isinstance(v, list): v = [v] result[k] = v return result
[docs] @model_validator(mode='before') @classmethod def validate_domain(cls, values): ensemble = values.get('ensemble') if ensemble: no_pbc = values.get('no_pbc') if ensemble.startswith('npt') and no_pbc: raise ValueError('ensemble npt conflict with no_pcb') if not ensemble.startswith('npt'):'ensemble is not npt, force PRES to -1') values['explore_vars']['PRES'] = [-1] # get all alias types type_alias = values.get('type_alias', {}) alias_type = list(itertools.chain(*type_alias.values())) # ensure all ghost type are defined in type_alias fep_opts = values.get('fep_opts') if fep_opts: ghost_types = fep_opts.ini_ghost_types + fep_opts.fin_ghost_types for t in ghost_types: if t not in alias_type: raise ValueError(f'ghost type {t} is not defined in type_alias') return values
[docs] def assert_var(self, var: str, msg: str = ''): if not msg: msg = f'{var} is not defined in explore_vars or broadcast_vars' assert var in self.explore_vars or var in self.broadcast_vars, msg
[docs] class CllLammpsContextConfig(BaseModel): script_template: BashTemplate lammps_cmd: str = 'lmp' concurrency: int = 5 multi_gpus_per_job: bool = False
[docs] @dataclass class CllLammpsInput: config: CllLammpsInputConfig type_map: List[str] mass_map: List[float] mode: TRAINING_MODE preset_template: str new_system_files: List[Artifact] dp_models: Mapping[str, List[Artifact]] dp_modifier: Optional[dict] dp_sel_type: Optional[List[int]]
[docs] @dataclass class CllLammpsContext(BaseCllContext): config: CllLammpsContextConfig
[docs] @dataclass class GenericLammpsOutput(ICllExploreOutput): model_devi_outputs: List[Artifact]
[docs] def get_model_devi_dataset(self) -> List[Artifact]: return self.model_devi_outputs
[docs] async def cll_lammps(input: CllLammpsInput, ctx: CllLammpsContext): executor = ctx.resource_manager.default_executor work_dir = os.path.join(executor.work_dir, ctx.path_prefix) if len(input.new_system_files) > 0: data_files = input.new_system_files else: data_files = ctx.resource_manager.resolve_artifacts(input.config.system_files) assert len(data_files) > 0, 'no data files found' preset_template = input.config.preset_template if preset_template is None: if input.mode == 'fep-pka': preset_template = 'fep-pka' elif input.mode == 'fep-redox': preset_template = 'fep-redox' elif input.mode == 'dpff': preset_template = 'dpff' else: preset_template = 'custom-ff' if input.config.custom_ff else 'default' tasks_dir, task_dirs = executor.run_python_fn(make_lammps_task_dirs)( combination_vars=input.config.explore_vars, broadcast_vars=input.config.broadcast_vars, data_files=[a.to_dict() for a in data_files], dp_models={k: [m.url for m in v] for k, v in input.dp_models.items()}, n_steps=input.config.nsteps, timestep=input.config.timestep, sample_freq=input.config.sample_freq, no_pbc=input.config.no_pbc, n_wise=input.config.n_wise, ensemble=input.config.ensemble, fix_statement=input.config.fix_statement, preset_template=preset_template, input_template=input.config.input_template, plumed_config=input.config.plumed_config, extra_template_vars=input.config.template_vars, type_map=input.type_map, mass_map=input.mass_map, type_alias=input.config.type_alias, work_dir=work_dir, mode=input.mode, dp_modifier=input.dp_modifier, dp_sel_type=input.dp_sel_type, fep_opts=input.config.fep_opts, custom_ff=input.config.custom_ff, ) # build scripts and submit base_cmd = f'{ctx.config.lammps_cmd} -i lammps.input' cmd = f'''if [ -f md.restart.* ]; then {base_cmd} -v restart 1; else {base_cmd} -v restart 0; fi''' # generate steps steps = [] for task_dir in task_dirs: steps.append(BashStep( cwd=task_dir['url'], cmd=cmd, checkpoint='lammps', exit_on_error=not input.config.ignore_error)) # submit jobs by the number of concurrency jobs = [] for i, steps_group in enumerate(list_split(steps, ctx.config.concurrency)): if not steps_group: continue if ctx.config.multi_gpus_per_job: script = BashScript( template=ctx.config.script_template, steps=make_gpu_parallel_steps(steps_group), ) else: script = BashScript( template=ctx.config.script_template, steps=steps_group, ) job = executor.submit(script.render(), cwd=tasks_dir) jobs.append(job) await gather_jobs(jobs, max_tries=2) # build outputs outputs = [] for task_dir in task_dirs: common = dict(url=task_dir['url'],, format=DataFormat.LAMMPS_OUTPUT_DIR) if input.mode == 'fep-pka': # in fep-pka mode, # ini and fin states have different structures, so their structure files are different # their label method is different too, so we need to unpack `fep-ini` and `fep-fin` accordingly outputs += [ Artifact.of(**common, attrs={ **task_dir['attrs'], 'model_devi_file': 'model_devi_ini.out', 'structures': 'traj-fep-ini.lammpstrj', **task_dir['attrs']['fep-ini'], }), Artifact.of(**common, attrs={ **task_dir['attrs'], 'model_devi_file': 'model_devi_fin.out', 'structures': 'traj-fep-fin.lammpstrj', **task_dir['attrs']['fep-fin'], 'ancestor': task_dir['attrs']['ancestor'] + '-fin', # only fin needs }), ] elif input.mode == 'fep-redox': # in fep-redox mode, # ini and fin states have the same structure, so just use the default one, # but their label method is different, so we need to unpack `fep-ini` and `fep-fin` accordingly outputs += [ Artifact.of(**common, attrs={ **task_dir['attrs'], 'model_devi_file': 'model_devi_ini.out', **task_dir['attrs']['fep-ini'], }), Artifact.of(**common, attrs={ **task_dir['attrs'], 'model_devi_file': 'model_devi_fin.out', **task_dir['attrs']['fep-fin'], 'ancestor': task_dir['attrs']['ancestor'] + '-fin', # only fin needs }), ] else: outputs += [ Artifact.of(**common, attrs={ **task_dir['attrs'] }), ] return GenericLammpsOutput(model_devi_outputs=outputs)
[docs] class LammpsInputTemplate(Template): delimiter = '$$'
[docs] def make_lammps_task_dirs(combination_vars: Mapping[str, Sequence[Any]], broadcast_vars: Mapping[str, Sequence[Any]], data_files: List[ArtifactDict], dp_models: Mapping[str, List[str]], n_steps: int, timestep: float, sample_freq: float, no_pbc: bool, n_wise: int, ensemble: Optional[str], fix_statement: Optional[str], preset_template: str, input_template: Optional[str], plumed_config: Optional[str], extra_template_vars: Mapping[str, Any], type_map: List[str], mass_map: List[float], type_alias: Mapping[str, List[str]], work_dir: str, dp_modifier: Optional[dict], dp_sel_type: Optional[List[int]], mode: TRAINING_MODE, fep_opts: FepOptions, rel_path: bool = False, custom_ff: Optional[str] = None, ): # setup workspace input_data_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'input_data') tasks_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'tasks') for path in (input_data_dir, tasks_dir): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # create data files input_dataset = [] atoms_list = artifacts_to_ase_atoms(data_files, type_map=type_map) for i, (artifact, atoms) in enumerate(atoms_list): # create data file ancestor = artifact['attrs']['ancestor'] data_file = os.path.join(input_data_dir, f'{ancestor}-{i:06d}') if mode == 'dpff': assert dp_modifier is not None and dp_sel_type is not None, 'dp_modifier & dp_sel_type is required for dpff mode' sys_charge_map = dp_modifier['sys_charge_map'] model_charge_map = dp_modifier['model_charge_map'] with open(data_file, 'w') as fp: dump_dplr_lammps_data(fp, atoms, type_map=type_map, sel_type=dp_sel_type, sys_charge_map=sys_charge_map, model_charge_map=model_charge_map) # type: ignore else:, atoms, format='lammps-data', specorder=type_map) # type: ignore input_dataset.append({ 'url': data_file, 'attrs': artifact['attrs'], }) # generate combinations of variants combination_fields: List[str] = ['DATA_FILE'] combination_values: List[List[Any]] = [input_dataset] for k, v in combination_vars.items(): combination_fields.append(k) combination_values.append(v) # type: ignore if 1 < n_wise <= len(combination_fields):'using {n_wise}-wise combination') combinations = AllPairs(combination_values, n=n_wise) else:'using full combination') combinations = itertools.product(*combination_values) combinations = list(map(list, combinations)) # broadcast broadcast_vars to all combinations for k in broadcast_vars.keys(): # TODO: moving this check to pydatnic validator assert k not in combination_fields, f'broadcast_vars {k} is already in explore_vars' combination_fields.extend(broadcast_vars.keys()) for i, combination in enumerate(combinations): for _vars in broadcast_vars.values(): combination.append(_vars[i % len(_vars)]) # generate tasks input task_dirs = [] for i, combination in enumerate(combinations): lammps_vars = dict(zip(combination_fields, combination)) template_vars = { **lammps_vars, 'CUSTOM_FF': custom_ff or '', } # setup task dir task_dir = os.path.join(tasks_dir, f'{i:06d}') os.makedirs(task_dir, exist_ok=True) data_file = lammps_vars.pop('DATA_FILE') # override default values with data file attrs overridable_params: dict = dict_nested_get(data_file, ['attrs', 'lammps'], dict()) # type: ignore _plumed_config = overridable_params.get('plumed_config', plumed_config) _fix_statement = overridable_params.get('fix_statement', fix_statement) _ensemble = overridable_params.get('ensemble', ensemble) _type_alias = overridable_params.get('type_alias', type_alias) _fep_opts = FepOptions(**overridable_params.get('fep_opts', fep_opts.dict())) # be careful to override template_vars without changing the original dict _extra_template_vars = {**extra_template_vars, **overridable_params.get('template_vars', dict())} # generate types related template vars types_template_vars = get_types_template_vars( type_map=type_map, mass_map=mass_map, type_alias=_type_alias, sel_type=dp_sel_type, fep_ini_ghost_types=_fep_opts.ini_ghost_types, fep_fin_ghost_types=_fep_opts.fin_ghost_types, ) ## build variables section if rel_path: lammps_vars['DATA_FILE'] = os.path.relpath(data_file['url'], task_dir) else: lammps_vars['DATA_FILE'] = data_file['url'] lammps_vars['N_STEPS'] = n_steps lammps_vars['THERMO_FREQ'] = sample_freq lammps_vars['DUMP_FREQ'] = sample_freq lammps_vars['SAMPLE_FREQ'] = sample_freq lammps_vars['DEFAULT_GROUP'] = 'all' if mode == 'dpff': assert dp_modifier is not None lammps_vars['DEFAULT_GROUP'] = 'real_atom' lammps_vars['EWALD_BETA'] = dp_modifier['ewald_beta'] lammps_vars['DUMP_GROUP'] = lammps_vars['DEFAULT_GROUP'] dump_json(lammps_vars, os.path.join(task_dir, 'debug.lammps_vars.json')) # for debug template_vars['VARIABLES'] = _get_lammps_variables(lammps_vars) ## build init settings template_vars['INITIALIZE'] = '\n'.join([ 'units metal', 'atom_style %s' % ('full' if mode == 'dpff' else 'atomic'), 'boundary ' + ('f f f' if no_pbc else 'p p p'), ]) ## build read data section extra_types = sum(len(l) for l in _type_alias.values()) # how many alias type are defined template_vars['READ_DATA'] = ( '''if "${restart} > 0" ''' '''then "read_restart md.restart.*" ''' '''else "read_data ${DATA_FILE} extra/atom/types %s"''' % extra_types ) ## build simulation section simulation = [ '''if "${restart} == 0" then "velocity ${DEFAULT_GROUP} create ${TEMP} %d"''' % (random.randrange(10 ^ 6 - 1) + 1) ] if _fix_statement is None: assert _ensemble is not None, 'either fix_statement or ensemble is required' _fix_statement = get_ensemble(_ensemble, group='${DEFAULT_GROUP}') if mode == 'dpff': simulation.extend([ 'compute real_temp real_atom temp', _fix_statement, 'fix_modify 1 temp real_temp', '', ]) else: simulation.append(_fix_statement) if _plumed_config: _plumed_config = LammpsInputTemplate(_plumed_config).substitute(defaultdict(str), **template_vars) plumed_config_file = os.path.join(task_dir, 'plumed.input') dump_text(_plumed_config, plumed_config_file) simulation.append(f'fix cll_plumed ${{DEFAULT_GROUP}} plumed plumedfile plumed.input outfile plumed.out') if no_pbc: simulation.extend([ 'velocity ${DEFAULT_GROUP} zero linear', 'fix fm ${DEFAULT_GROUP} momentum 1 linear 1 1 1', ]) simulation.extend([ 'thermo_style custom step temp pe ke etotal press vol lx ly lz xy xz yz', 'thermo ${THERMO_FREQ}', ]) if mode == 'fep-pka': simulation.extend([ 'dump 1 fep_ini_atoms custom ${DUMP_FREQ} traj-fep-ini.lammpstrj id type element x y z fx fy fz', 'dump 2 fep_fin_atoms custom ${DUMP_FREQ} traj-fep-fin.lammpstrj id type element x y z fx fy fz', f'dump_modify 1 element {types_template_vars["SPECORDER"]}', f'dump_modify 2 element {types_template_vars["SPECORDER"]}', ]) else: simulation.extend([ 'dump 1 ${DUMP_GROUP} custom ${DUMP_FREQ} traj.lammpstrj id type element x y z fx fy fz', f'dump_modify 1 element {types_template_vars["SPECORDER"]}', ]) simulation.append('restart 10000 md.restart') template_vars['SIMULATION'] = '\n'.join(simulation) ## build run section template_vars['RUN'] = '\n'.join([ 'timestep %f' % timestep, 'run ${N_STEPS} upto', ]) dp_models_vars = _get_dp_models_variables(dp_models) template_vars = {**template_vars, **types_template_vars, **dp_models_vars, **_extra_template_vars} dump_json(template_vars, os.path.join(task_dir, 'debug.template_vars.json')) if input_template is None: input_template = PRESET_LAMMPS_INPUT_TEMPLATE[preset_template] dump_text(input_template, os.path.join(task_dir, 'debug.input_template.txt')) lammps_input = LammpsInputTemplate(input_template).substitute(defaultdict(str),**template_vars) dump_text(lammps_input, os.path.join(task_dir, 'lammps.input')) # the `source` field is required as model_devi will use it to update init structures task_dirs.append({'url': task_dir, 'attrs': { **data_file['attrs'], 'source': data_file['url'], 'efield': lammps_vars.get('EFIELD'), }}) # type: ignore return tasks_dir, task_dirs
[docs] def get_types_template_vars(type_map: List[str], mass_map: List[float], type_alias: Mapping[str, List[str]], sel_type: Optional[List[int]], fep_ini_ghost_types: List[str], fep_fin_ghost_types: List[str]): """ generate template vars that related to type_map, mass_map, type_alias, sel_type the order of atom type index is: real atoms (defined in type_map), virtual atoms (defined in sel_type) and then alias (defined in type_alias) """ template_vars = {} type_to_mass = dict(zip(type_map, mass_map)) # new types gonna to be added ext_type_map = [] ext_mass_map = [] # handle sel_type (used by dplr) # sel_type must be handle before type_alias as they are defined in data file # while type_alias are defined in lammps script type_association = [] if sel_type is not None: n_real_atom = len(type_map) for i, t in enumerate(sel_type): # add placeholder for sel_type ext_type_map.append(f'_X_{i}') ext_mass_map.append(1.0) # type association is to define relationship between virtual and real atom type in lammps type_association.extend([t + 1, n_real_atom + i + 1]) template_vars['DPLR_TYPE_ASSOCIATION'] = ' '.join(map(str, type_association)) # SPECORDER is used to specify the order of types in the lammps data file # For example, if the complete type_map is [H, O, O_1, O_2, H_1, H_2], # then the specorder should be [H, O, O, O, H, H] specorder = type_map[:] fep_ini_specorder = type_map[:] fep_fin_specorder = type_map[:] for real_type, alias in type_alias.items(): for t in alias: specorder.append(real_type) if t in fep_ini_ghost_types: fep_ini_specorder.append('NULL') else: fep_ini_specorder.append(real_type) if t in fep_fin_ghost_types: fep_fin_specorder.append('NULL') else: fep_fin_specorder.append(real_type) ext_type_map.append(t) ext_mass_map.append(type_to_mass[real_type]) # define group for fep pka mode all_types = type_map + ext_type_map fep_ini_type_vars = _to_lammps_type_vars([t for t in all_types if t not in fep_ini_ghost_types]) fep_fin_type_vars = _to_lammps_type_vars([t for t in all_types if t not in fep_fin_ghost_types]) template_vars['FEP_GROUPS'] = '\n'.join([ f'group fep_ini_atoms type {fep_ini_type_vars}', f'group fep_fin_atoms type {fep_fin_type_vars}' ]) # define group for dpff mode if sel_type is not None: real_atom_start = 1 real_atom_end = real_atom_start + len(type_map) virtual_atom_end = real_atom_end + len(sel_type) alias_end = virtual_atom_end + len(ext_type_map) - len(sel_type) dpff_real_atom = [*range(real_atom_start, real_atom_end), *range(virtual_atom_end, alias_end)] dpff_virtual_atom = range(real_atom_end, virtual_atom_end) template_vars['DPFF_REAL_ATOM'] = ' '.join(map(str, dpff_real_atom)) template_vars['DPFF_VIRTUAL_ATOM'] = ' '.join(map(str, dpff_virtual_atom)) template_vars['DPFF_GROUPS'] = '\n'.join([ f'group real_atom type {template_vars["DPFF_REAL_ATOM"]}', f'group virtual_atom type {template_vars["DPFF_VIRTUAL_ATOM"]}', f'neigh_modify every 10 delay 0 check no exclude group real_atom virtual_atom', ]) # specorder in the format of H O H NULL, for lammps pair coeff input template_vars['SPECORDER'] = ' '.join(specorder) template_vars['FEP_INI_SPECORDER'] = ' '.join(fep_ini_specorder) template_vars['FEP_FIN_SPECORDER'] = ' '.join(fep_fin_specorder) # mass map is in the form of # variable H equal 1 # variable O equal 2 # variable H_null equal 3 # mass ${H} 1.007 # mass ${O} 15.999 # mass ${H_null} 1.0 template_vars['MASS_MAP'] = _get_masses(type_map + ext_type_map, mass_map + ext_mass_map) return template_vars
def _get_type_map_vars(type_map: List[str]): return dict(zip(type_map, range(1, len(type_map) + 1))) def _get_masses(type_map: List[str], mass_map: List[float]): lines = [ _get_lammps_variables(_get_type_map_vars(type_map)), '', ] for t, m in zip(type_map, mass_map): lines.append(f'mass ${{{t}}} {m}') return '\n'.join(lines) def _get_dp_models_variables(models: Mapping[str, List[str]]): vars = {} for k, v in models.items(): prefix = 'DP_MODELS' if k == '' else f'DP_{k}_MODELS' vars[prefix] = ' '.join(v) for i, m in enumerate(v): vars[f'{prefix}_{i}'] = m return vars def _get_lammps_variables(vars: Mapping[str, Any]): lines = [] for k, v in vars.items(): if isinstance(v, str): # TODO: should escape `v` in case of special characters line = f'variable {k:16} string "{v}"' elif isinstance(v, list): # vector or args line = f'variable {k:16} string \"{" ".join(str(x) for x in v)}\"' else: line = f'variable {k:16} equal {v}' lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def get_ensemble(ensemble: str, group='all'): lines = [] if ensemble in ('npt', 'npt-i', 'npt-iso',): lines.append('fix 1 %(group)s npt temp ${TEMP} ${TEMP} ${TAU_T} iso ${PRES} ${PRES} ${TAU_P}') elif ensemble in ('npt-a', 'npt-aniso',): lines.append('fix 1 %(group)s npt temp ${TEMP} ${TEMP} ${TAU_T} aniso ${PRES} ${PRES} ${TAU_P}') elif ensemble in ('npt-t', 'npt-tri',): lines.append('fix 1 %(group)s npt temp ${TEMP} ${TEMP} ${TAU_T} tri ${PRES} ${PRES} ${TAU_P}') elif ensemble in ('npt-x',): lines.append('fix 1 %(group)s npt temp ${TEMP} ${TEMP} ${TAU_T} x ${PRES} ${PRES} ${TAU_P} y 0 0 ${TAU_P} z 0 0 ${TAU_P}') elif ensemble in ('npt-y',): lines.append('fix 1 %(group)s npt temp ${TEMP} ${TEMP} ${TAU_T} y ${PRES} ${PRES} ${TAU_P} x 0 0 ${TAU_P} z 0 0 ${TAU_P}') elif ensemble in ('npt-z',): lines.append('fix 1 %(group)s npt temp ${TEMP} ${TEMP} ${TAU_T} z ${PRES} ${PRES} ${TAU_P} x 0 0 ${TAU_P} y 0 0 ${TAU_P}') elif ensemble in ('nvt',): lines.append('fix 1 %(group)s nvt temp ${TEMP} ${TEMP} ${TAU_T}') elif ensemble in ('nve',): lines.append('fix 1 %(group)s nve') elif ensemble in ('csvr',): lines.append('fix 1 %(group)s nve') lines.append('fix 2 %(group)s temp/csvr ${TEMP} ${TEMP} ${TIME_CONST} %(seed)d') else: raise ValueError('unknown ensemble: ' + ensemble) return '\n'.join(lines) % {'group': group, 'seed': random.randrange(10^6 - 1) + 1}
def _to_lammps_type_vars(types: List[str]): return ' '.join(f'${{{t}}}' for t in types)