Source code for ai2_kit.domain.util

import io
import re
import numpy as np
from ase.calculators.lammps import Prism, convert

[docs] def cp2p_substitute_vars(string, vars: dict): # Define a regular expression for placeholders placeholder_pattern = re.compile(r"\$\{?(\w+)(?:-(\w+))?\}?") # Define a function to replace the placeholders with keyword arguments def replace_placeholder(match): # Get the variable name and the default value from the match object var_name = default_value = # Check if the variable name is in the keyword arguments if var_name in vars: # Return the value of the keyword argument return vars[var_name] else: # Check if there is a default value if default_value is not None: # Return the default value return default_value else: # Raise an exception if there is no default value raise ValueError(f"Missing keyword argument: {var_name}") # Return the string with the placeholders replaced return placeholder_pattern.sub(replace_placeholder, string)
[docs] def cp2k_process_macro(fp): # Define a regular expression for @SET directive with case insensitive flag set_pattern = re.compile(r"@SET\s+(\w+)\s+(.+)", re.IGNORECASE) # Added re.IGNORECASE flag # Initialize an empty dictionary for variables and a list for output lines variables = {} output_lines = [] # Read line by line from the input file object for line in fp: # Strip whitespace and comments line = line.strip() line = line.split("#")[0] # Skip empty lines if not line: continue # Match @SET directive set_match = set_pattern.match(line) if set_match: # Get the variable name and value var_name = var_value = # Check if the variable name is valid if var_name[0].isdigit(): # Raise an exception if the variable name starts with a number raise ValueError(f"Invalid variable name: {var_name}") else: # Assign the value to the variable in the dictionary variables[var_name] = var_value # Skip the @SET line continue # Append the line to the output list output_lines.append(line) # Return the variables dictionary and the output list as a single string with newline characters return variables, "\n".join(output_lines)
[docs] def cp2k_parse_input(fp): # Initialize an empty dictionary and a stack output = {} stack = [] # Open the input file and read line by line for line in fp: # Strip whitespace and comments line = line.strip() line = line.split("#")[0] # Skip empty lines if not line: continue # Check if the line starts with & if line.startswith("&"): # Get the keyword name and strip the trailing whitespace keyword = line[1:].strip() # Split the keyword by whitespace and check if the first token is END tokens = keyword.split() if tokens[0] and tokens[0].upper() == "END": # Pop the last section from the stack stack.pop() else: # If the stack is empty, add the keyword to the output dictionary if not stack: output[keyword] = {} stack.append(keyword) else: # If the stack is not empty, get the current section from the output dictionary current_section = output for section in stack: current_section = current_section[section] # Add the keyword to the current section as a sub-dictionary current_section[keyword] = {} stack.append(keyword) # Continue to the next line continue # Split the line by whitespace tokens = line.split() # Get the value name and value value_name = tokens[0] value = " ".join(tokens[1:]) # Get the current section from the output dictionary current_section = output for section in stack: current_section = current_section[section] # Add the value name and value to the current section current_section[value_name] = value return output
# TODO: handle coords
[docs] def cp2k_load_input(fp): variables, processed_text = cp2k_process_macro(fp) substituted_text = cp2p_substitute_vars(processed_text, variables) return cp2k_parse_input(io.StringIO(substituted_text))
[docs] def cp2k_loads_input(text): return cp2k_load_input(io.StringIO(text))
# TODO: handle coords
[docs] def cp2k_dumps_input(input_dict): # Initialize an empty list for output lines output_lines = [] # Define a helper function to recursively dump the sections and values def dump_section(section_dict, indent=0): # Loop through the keys and values in the section dictionary for key, value in section_dict.items(): # Check if the value is a sub-dictionary if isinstance(value, dict): # Add a line with the section name and indentation output_lines.append(" " * indent + f"&{key}") # Recursively dump the sub-section with increased indentation dump_section(value, indent + 3) # Add a line with the end of section and indentation output_lines.append(" " * indent + "&END") else: # Add a line with the value name and value and indentation output_lines.append(" " * indent + f"{key} {value}") # Dump the input dictionary using the helper function dump_section(input_dict) # Return the output list as a single string with newline characters return "\n".join(output_lines)
[docs] def cp2k_dump_input(input_dict, fp): fp.write(cp2k_dumps_input(input_dict))
[docs] class LammpsData: """ LammpsData is a class to read and write lammps data file. from: """ def __init__(self, atoms) -> None: self.atoms = atoms self._setup() self.angles = None self.bonds = None self.dihedrals = None self.velocities = None
[docs] def write(self, fp, **kwargs): specorder = kwargs.get("specorder", None) if specorder is not None: self.set_atype_from_specorder(specorder) n_atype = len(specorder) else: n_atype = len(np.unique(self.atoms.numbers)) atom_style = kwargs.get("atom_style", "full") header = self._make_header(, n_atype) fp.write(header) body = self._make_atoms(atom_style) fp.write(body) if self.bonds is not None: fp.write("\nBonds\n\n") np.savetxt(fp, self.bonds, fmt="%d") if self.angles is not None: fp.write("\nAngles\n\n") np.savetxt(fp, self.angles, fmt="%d") if self.dihedrals is not None: fp.write("\nDihedrals\n\n") np.savetxt(fp, self.dihedrals, fmt="%d") if self.velocities is not None: fp.write("\nVelocities\n\n") np.savetxt(fp, self.velocities, fmt=["%d", "%.16f", "%.16f", "%.16f"])
def _make_header(self, out_file, n_atype): nat = len(self.atoms) s = "%s (written by toolbox by Jia-Xin Zhu)\n\n" % out_file s += "%d atoms\n" % nat s += "%d atom types\n" % n_atype if self.bonds is not None: s += "%d bonds\n" % len(self.bonds) s += "%d bond types\n" % len(np.unique(self.bonds[:, 1])) if self.angles is not None: s += "%d angles\n" % len(self.angles) s += "%d angle types\n" % len(np.unique(self.angles[:, 1])) if self.dihedrals is not None: s += "%d dihedrals\n" % len(self.dihedrals) s += "%d dihedral types\n" % len(np.unique(self.dihedrals[:, 1])) prismobj = Prism(self.atoms.get_cell()) xhi, yhi, zhi, xy, xz, yz = convert( prismobj.get_lammps_prism(), "distance", "ASE", "metal") s += "0.0 %.6f xlo xhi\n" % xhi s += "0.0 %.6f ylo yhi\n" % yhi s += "0.0 %.6f zlo zhi\n" % zhi if prismobj.is_skewed(): s += "%.6f %.6f %.6f xy xz yz\n" % (xy, xz, yz) s += "\n" return s def _make_atoms(self, atom_style): """ full atom_id res_id type q x y z atomic ... """ return getattr(self, "_make_atoms_%s" % atom_style)() def _make_atoms_full(self): """ full atom_id res_id type q x y z """ s = "Atoms\n\n" for atom in self.atoms: ii = atom.index s += "%d %d %d %.6f %.6f %.6f %.6f\n" % ( ii + 1, self.res_id[ii], self.atype[ii], self.charges[ii], self.positions[ii][0], self.positions[ii][1], self.positions[ii][2]) return s def _make_atoms_atomic(self): pass
[docs] def set_res_id(self, res_id): self.res_id = np.reshape(res_id, (-1))
[docs] def set_atype(self, atype): self.atype = np.reshape(atype, (-1))
[docs] def set_atype_from_specorder(self, specorder): atype = [] for ii in self.atoms.get_chemical_symbols(): atype.append(specorder.index(ii)) self.atype = np.array(atype, dtype=np.int32) + 1
[docs] def set_bonds(self, bonds): self.bonds = np.reshape(bonds, (-1, 4))
[docs] def set_angles(self, angles): self.angles = np.reshape(angles, (-1, 5))
[docs] def set_dihedral(self, dihedrals): self.dihedrals = np.reshape(dihedrals, (-1, 6))
[docs] def set_velocities(self, velocities): self.velocities = np.reshape(velocities, (-1, 4))
def _setup(self): self.positions = self.atoms.get_positions() if len(self.atoms.get_initial_charges()) > 0: self.charges = self.atoms.get_initial_charges().reshape(-1) else: self.charges = np.zeros(len(self.atoms)) if hasattr(self, "res_id"): assert len(self.res_id) == len(self.atoms) else: self.res_id = np.zeros(len(self.atoms), dtype=np.int32)