Source code for ai2_kit.feat.spectrum.viber

from typing import List, Dict, Optional
from collections import OrderedDict
from ase import Atoms
import numpy as np
import dpdata
import shlex
import os

from MDAnalysis.lib.distances import distance_array, minimize_vectors

from ai2_kit.core.util import list_split, expand_globs, cmd_with_checkpoint
from ai2_kit.domain.cp2k import dump_coord_n_cell
from ai2_kit.core.log import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class Cp2kLabelTaskBuilder: """ This a builder class to generate cp2k labeling task. """ def __init__(self): self._atoms_list: List[Atoms] = [] self._task_dirs: List[str] = [] self._cp2k_inputs: OrderedDict = OrderedDict()
[docs] def add_system(self, *file_path_or_glob: str, **kwargs): """ Add system files to label :param file_path_or_glob: system files or glob pattern :param kwargs: kwargs for """ files = expand_globs(file_path_or_glob) if len(files) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError(f'No file found for {file_path_or_glob}') for file in files: self._ase_read(file, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def add_cp2k_input(self, file_path: str, tag: str): """ Add cp2k input file for dipole or polarizability calculation """ assert tag not in self._cp2k_inputs, f'Tag {tag} already exists' self._cp2k_inputs[tag] = _ensure_file_exists(file_path) return self
[docs] def make_tasks(self, out_dir: str): """ Make task dirs for cp2k labeling (prepare systems and cp2k input files) :param out_dir: output dir """ assert self._atoms_list, 'No system files added' assert not self._task_dirs, 'Task dirs already generated' task_dirs = [] for i, atoms in enumerate(self._atoms_list): task_name = f'{i:06d}' task_dir = os.path.join(out_dir, task_name) os.makedirs(task_dir, exist_ok=True) # dump, so that we can use @include to read system cp2k_sys_file = os.path.join(task_dir, '') with open(cp2k_sys_file, 'w') as f: dump_coord_n_cell(f, atoms) # dump for cp2k, # so that use can use COORD_FILE_NAME to read system xyz_sys_file = os.path.join(task_dir, ''), atoms, format='extxyz', append=True) # link cp2k input files to tasks dirs for tag, file_path in self._cp2k_inputs.items(): link_path = os.path.join(task_dir, tag + '.inp') os.system(f'ln -sf {os.path.abspath(file_path)} {link_path}') task_dirs.append(task_dir) self._task_dirs = task_dirs'Generated {len(task_dirs)} task dirs') return self
[docs] def make_scripts(self, prefix: str = 'cp2k-batch-{i:02d}.sub', concurrency: int = 5, template: Optional[str] = None, ignore_error: bool = False, cp2k_cmd: str = 'cp2k.psmp'): """ Make batch script for cp2k labeling :param prefix: prefix of batch script :param concurrency: concurrency of tasks :param template: template of batch script :param ignore_error: ignore error :param cmd: command to run cp2k """ assert self._atoms_list, 'No system files added, please call add_system first' assert self._task_dirs, 'No task dirs generated, please call make_dirs first' if template is None: template = '#!/bin/bash' else: with open(template, 'r') as f: template = template += '\n[ -n "$PBS_O_WORKDIR" ] && cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR]\n' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(prefix), exist_ok=True) for i, task_group in enumerate(list_split(self._task_dirs, concurrency)): if not task_group: continue batch = [template] batch.append("for _WORK_DIR_ in \\") # use shell for loop to run tasks for task_dir in task_group: batch.append(f' {shlex.quote(task_dir)} \\') batch.extend([ f'; do', f'pushd $_WORK_DIR_ || exit 1', '#' * 80, *[ cmd_with_checkpoint(f'{cp2k_cmd} -i {tag}.inp &> {tag}.out', f'{tag}.done', ignore_error) for tag in self._cp2k_inputs.keys() ], '#' * 80, f'popd', f'done' ]) batch_file = prefix.format(i=i) with open(batch_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(batch))'Write batch script to {batch_file}') return self
[docs] def done(self): """ Mark the end of commands chain """
def _ase_read(self, filename: str, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('index', ':') data =, **kwargs) if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] self._atoms_list += data'Loaded {len(data)} systems from {filename}, total {len(self._atoms_list)} systems')
[docs] def dpdata_read_cp2k_viber_data(data_dir: str, lumped_dict: Dict[str, int], output_file: str = 'output', wannier: str = '', wannier_x: str = '', wannier_y: str = '', wannier_z: str = '', wacent_symbol='X', cutoff = 1.2, eps = 1e-3, mode = 'both' ): """ read the cp2k output file and wannier functions :param data_dir: the directory of the data :param lumped_dict: the dictionary of the element and the expected coordination number, e.g. {"O": 4} (for water molecule) :param output_file: the cp2k output file name :param wannier: the wannier function file name :param wannier_x: the wannier function file name of x direction electric field :param wannier_y: the wannier function file name of y direction electric field :param wannier_z: the wannier function file name of z direction electric field :param wacent_symbol: the symbol of the wannier function centroid """ dp_sys = dpdata.LabeledSystem(os.path.join(data_dir, output_file) , fmt='cp2k/output') # get cell cell =['cells'][0] # build the data of atomic_dipole and atomic_polarizability with numpy wannier_atoms =, wannier), index=":", format='extxyz') lumped_dict_c = lumped_dict.copy() del_list = [] for k in lumped_dict_c.keys(): if k not in wannier_atoms[0].get_chemical_symbols(): del_list.append(k) for i in del_list: del lumped_dict_c[i] stc_list = _set_cells(wannier_atoms, cell) # type: ignore wfc_compute_polar = _set_lumped_wfc(stc_list, lumped_dict_c, cutoff, wacent_symbol, to_polar = True) wfc_save = _set_lumped_wfc(stc_list, lumped_dict_c, cutoff, wacent_symbol, to_polar = False)['atomic_dipole'] = wfc_save if mode == 'both': wannier_atoms_x =, wannier_x), index=":", format='extxyz') stc_list = _set_cells(wannier_atoms_x, cell) # type: ignore wfc_x = _set_lumped_wfc(stc_list, lumped_dict_c, cutoff, wacent_symbol, to_polar = True) wannier_atoms_y =, wannier_y), index=":", format='extxyz') stc_list = _set_cells(wannier_atoms_y, cell) # type: ignore wfc_y = _set_lumped_wfc(stc_list, lumped_dict_c, cutoff, wacent_symbol, to_polar = True) wannier_atoms_z =, wannier_z), index=":", format='extxyz') stc_list = _set_cells(wannier_atoms_z, cell) # type: ignore wfc_z = _set_lumped_wfc(stc_list, lumped_dict_c, cutoff, wacent_symbol, to_polar = True) polar = np.zeros((wfc_compute_polar.shape[0], wfc_compute_polar.shape[1], 3), dtype = float) polar[:, :, 0] = (wfc_x - wfc_compute_polar) / eps polar[:, :, 1] = (wfc_y - wfc_compute_polar) / eps polar[:, :, 2] = (wfc_z - wfc_compute_polar) / eps['atomic_polarizability'] = polar.reshape(polar.shape[0], -1) elif mode == 'dipole_only':['atomic_polarizability'] = np.array([-1,-1]).reshape(1,-1) else: logger.warning(f"There is no mode called '{mode}', expected 'both' or 'dipole_only'") return dp_sys
def _get_lumped_wacent_poses_rel(stc: Atoms, elem_symbol, wacent_symbol, cutoff=1.2, expected_cn=4): """ determine the positions of the wannier centers around O and sum it into the wannier centroid. """ elem_idx = np.where(stc.symbols == elem_symbol)[0] wacent_idx = np.where(stc.symbols == wacent_symbol)[0] elem_poses = stc.positions[elem_idx] wacent_poses = stc.positions[wacent_idx] cellpar = stc.cell.cellpar() assert cellpar is not None, "cellpar is None" #dist_matrix dist_mat = distance_array(elem_poses, wacent_poses, box=cellpar) #each row get distance and select the candidates lumped_wacent_poses_rel = [] for elem_entry, dist_vec in enumerate(dist_mat): if cutoff == None: mindist_index = np.argpartition(np.array(dist_vec), elem_symbol)[elem_symbol:] bool_vec = np.full(dist_vec.shape, False) bool_vec[mindist_index] = True else: bool_vec = (dist_vec < cutoff) cn = np.sum(bool_vec) # modify neighbor wannier centers coords relative to the center element atom neig_wacent_poses = wacent_poses[bool_vec, :] neig_wacent_poses_rel = neig_wacent_poses - elem_poses[elem_entry] neig_wacent_poses_rel = minimize_vectors(neig_wacent_poses_rel, box=cellpar) lumped_wacent_pos_rel = neig_wacent_poses_rel.mean(axis=0) if cn != expected_cn: logger.warning(f"Coordination number of {elem_symbol} is {cn}, expected {expected_cn}") lumped_wacent_poses_rel.append(lumped_wacent_pos_rel) lumped_wacent_poses_rel = np.stack(lumped_wacent_poses_rel) return lumped_wacent_poses_rel def _is_X(item): if not isinstance(item,str): return False if item == 'X': return True return False def _can_retain(item,elem_symbol): if not isinstance(item, str): return True if item != elem_symbol: return True return False def _set_lumped_wfc(stc_list, lumped_dict, cutoff, wacent_symbol, to_polar = True): """ set the wannier function centroids """ X_pos = [] if to_polar: for stc in stc_list: x_symbol = list(stc.symbols) for elem_symbol, expected_cn in lumped_dict.items(): lumped_wacent_poses_rel = _get_lumped_wacent_poses_rel( stc=stc, elem_symbol=elem_symbol, wacent_symbol = wacent_symbol, cutoff = cutoff, expected_cn=expected_cn) out_elem_symbol = list(lumped_wacent_poses_rel) x_symbol = [item if _can_retain(item,elem_symbol) else out_elem_symbol.pop(0) for item in x_symbol] x_symbol = [item for item in x_symbol if not _is_X(item)] x_symbol = [np.array([0.,0.,0.]) if isinstance(item, str) else item for item in x_symbol] x_symbol = np.concatenate(x_symbol ,axis = 0) X_pos.append(np.array(x_symbol)) wfc_pos = np.array(X_pos) return wfc_pos else: for stc in stc_list: for elem_symbol, expected_cn in lumped_dict.items(): lumped_wacent_poses_rel = _get_lumped_wacent_poses_rel( stc=stc, elem_symbol=elem_symbol, wacent_symbol = wacent_symbol, cutoff = cutoff, expected_cn=expected_cn) X_pos.append(np.reshape(lumped_wacent_poses_rel, (len(stc_list), -1))) wfc_pos = np.concatenate(X_pos,axis = 1) return wfc_pos def _set_cells(stc_list: List[Atoms], cell): for stc in stc_list: stc.set_cell(cell) stc.set_pbc(True) return stc_list def _ensure_file_exists(file_path: str): assert os.path.isfile(file_path), f'{file_path} is not a file' return file_path cmd_entry = { 'cp2k-labeling': Cp2kLabelTaskBuilder, }