Source code for ai2_kit.tool.batch

import os
import sys
import shutil
import shlex
from typing import Optional

from ai2_kit.core.util import ensure_dir, expand_globs, list_split
from ai2_kit.core.log import get_logger

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class BatchTool: """ A toolkit to help generate batch scripts. """
[docs] def run_cmd(self, *work_dirs: str, cmd: str): """ Run command in each work directory. :param work_dirs: path or glob of work directories :param cmd: command to run, use {work_dir} to represent the work directory """ paths = expand_globs(work_dirs) for path in paths: assert os.path.isdir(path), f'{path} is not a directory' _cmd = f"cd {shlex.quote(path)} && {cmd.format(work_dir=path)}" os.system(_cmd)'Run command: {_cmd}') return self
[docs] def map_path(self, *sources: str, target: str, copy = False): """ Map source files or directory to target path, use link by default. :param sources: path or glob of source files or directories :param target: target path, use {i} to represent the index of the source path, or {basename} to represent the basename of the source path :param copy: use copy instead of link """ paths = expand_globs(sources) for i, path in enumerate(paths): target_path = target.format(i=i, basename=os.path.basename(path)) ensure_dir(target_path) if copy: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.copytree(path, target_path)'Copy directory {path} to {target_path}') else: shutil.copy(path, target_path)'Copy file {path} to {target_path}') else: path = os.path.abspath(path) os.symlink(path, target_path)'Link {path} to {target_path}') return self
[docs] def gen_batches(self, *work_dirs: str, out: str, cmd: Optional[str]=None, concurrency: int = 1, header_file: Optional[str]=None, suppress_error: bool = False, checkpoint: bool = True, checkpoint_file: str = 'done.ckpt', rel_path: bool = False, ): """ Generate batch scripts for each work directory. This command will apply `cmd` to each work directory and generate batch scripts according to `concurrency`. :param work_dirs: path or glob of work directories :param out: path to write batch scripts, use {i} to represent the index of concurrent job :param cmd: command to run, if None, will read from stdin, use {word_dir} to represent the word directory, use {i} to represent the index of concurrent job :param concurrency: number of concurrent jobs, decide the number of batch scripts to generate, if 0, will generate one batch script for each work directory :param header_file: path to header file, will be added to the beginning of each batch script :param suppress_error: if True, will add `set -e` to the beginning of each batch script :param checkpoint: if True, will add checkpoint to each batch script, and skip the work directory if checkpoint exists :param checkpoint_file: checkpoint file name :param rel_path: if True, will use relative path in batch script """ _work_dirs = expand_globs(work_dirs) # read cmd if cmd is None: cmd = # read template header = '#!/bin/bash' if header_file is not None: with open(header_file, encoding='utf-8') as f: header = # generate batch scripts if concurrency <= 0: concurrency = len(_work_dirs) for i, job_group in enumerate(list_split(_work_dirs, concurrency)): batch = [ header ] if not suppress_error: batch.append('set -e') batch.append("for work_dir in \\") # generate batch script for work_dir in job_group: assert os.path.isdir(work_dir), f'{work_dir} is not a directory' if not rel_path: work_dir = os.path.abspath(work_dir) batch.append(f' {shlex.quote(work_dir)} \\') batch.extend([ f' ; do', f' pushd $work_dir', ]) if checkpoint: batch.extend([ f' if [ -f {checkpoint_file} ]; then', f' echo "hit checkpoint, skip"', f' continue', f' fi', ]) batch.extend([ f' {cmd}', f' touch {checkpoint_file}', f' popd', f' done' ]) # write batch script out_path = out.format(i=i) ensure_dir(out_path) with open(out_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('\n'.join(batch))'Write batch script to {out_path}') return self
def __str__(self) -> str: # suppress fire help message return ''