

  1. 一定要在培训和展示**前**把幻灯片和培训材料发送给学员

  2. 培训材料请遵循以下格式

  3. 主题

  4. 目标和此次培训的收益

    --- 例:1.理解工作流 2.学习如何自动化工作流 3.学习如何通过airflow可视化工作流

  5. 提前帮参与者/学员准备

    --- 所需的背景知识和提供必要的引导 - 链接,书籍,必读文章等

    --- 其他需要在培训前做好的准备

    --- 例:1.安装PyCharm, Jupiter, python3.9等 2.安装和验证所需的包(airflow)

  6. 培训内容的时间安排

    --- 例:

    1. 介绍工作流(10分钟)
    2. 介绍aiida和aiflow(20分钟)
    3. 练习工作流和可视化工作流(50分钟)
    4. 答疑(19分钟)
  7. 确保你足够早地发送的幻灯片和培训材料。留下充足的时间给学员完成准备的任务。

Training/Presentaion Guideline

  1. Always send slides and agenda BEFORE presentation and training

  2. Follow the agenda format as below:

    a. Topic

    b. Objective and benefit of training

    —— e.g. 1. Understand workflow 2. Learn how to automate workflow 3. Learn how to visualize workflow via package'airflow'

    c. Participant's preparation

    —— State the desired background knowledge and provide induction — links, books, must-read papers etc.

    —— State the preparation that the participants need to complete before attending the training

    —— e.g. 1. Install IDE PyCharm, Jupiter, python3.9 etc. 2. Install and validate required packages(airflow)

    d. Items with time slot

    —— e.g.

  3. Introduce workflow (10 minutes)

  4. Introduce Aida and airflow (20 minutes)

  5. Practice workflow and visualize via 'airflow' (50 minutes)

  6. Q&A (10 minutes)

  7. Make sure you send slides and agenda early and leave plenty of time for the participants to complete the preparation tasks.
